
The Why I do what I do

Our recent trip to Disney-  January 2019

Part of raising a family is budgeting. Right now as we speak I am dreaming of our next trip to Disney. It's always on my mind and I would go back in seconds if I had the money to do so.

This is where I come in. Let me help you stretch your dollar as far as I can!  I give you real experiences and real-world application. I don't have a background in finances, but I have over 10 years of being and stay at home mom, proof that you can save and spend money and still love life and save some money while doing so.

My promise to my readers is this: When you come to my blog I hope to empower you with strategies to help you save money, and stretch your dollar. And in the meantime enjoy living a life you love!

Let me be a tool in your toolbox of tricks to get you to start enjoying life while saving and stretching one dollar at a time!


  1. Thank you for sharing your experiences. Depression is tough, and we don't talk about it enough. I'm glad the Vitamin D helped. I've also read getting enough vitamin B12 and magnesium make a huge difference. I'm glad to know you. You were the first person I became friends with on our first Sunday at church here, and I won't ever forget that feeling of just having someone's phone number and a play date in a new place far from home. 💜

    1. Thank you, it means a lot to me that we had some fun playdates, yes if you live in the northern midwest I think every one should be taking extra Vitamin D, as most of us don't get enough in the winter!
