
King Arthurs Flour Fruit Pie Craftsy Class

It's pie season and Craftsy sure know's how to help you learn all the skills it takes to make a pie. I was so excited when I saw this class, it was exactly what I was looking for in a class for pie making. I have always been about the crust, I get the filling, and really, the filling was always easier to do than the crust, at least it is for me. So King Arthurs Flour's Fruit Pies came very timely. I am in charge of pies for Thanksgiving, I have been for the past 2 years, and this year I want to be called/labeled as the Pie Maker of the family. I think I will achieve that!

So why make your own pie when you can get one cheaper, or all ready done for you? It's about the process, and of course the taste, you can't beat a home made pie, not even if you pay $20ish for a home baked pie from a restaurant (Perkins, Village Inn, Bakers Square.) Which my apple pie I that is pictured costed about $3-$6 worth of ingredients to make, (got free apples when they were in season then froze them)

I make pies because I really like to know what ingredients are in my pies, I like to pick the apples, or the cherries, or the peaches or even the black berries. Making the crust is one of those fun processes that makes my heart happy, I don't know why it just does. With those reasons in mind I wanted to share some of the things I loved about this craftsy class, King Aurthor's Flour Fruit Pie.

I never learned how to make a crust that actually tasted better than the store bought ones, so you guessed it I would just buy the store bought kind. I now understand how to use different types of flour and fat's to cater to my pie, for example Melanie Wonders talked about why you would want some lard/Crisco in your pie crust instead of butter (Lard gives more of a hearty taste to the crust, perfect for your favorite pot pie, or quiche dish.) I really like the idea of using almond flour for a really extraordinary cherry almond pie.

I like that she used classic pies in the class to demonstrate the different crusts, I am a very traditional cook/baker and wanted to know how to make a cherry, peach, apple and blackberry pie, Melanie did a great job, she also explained how much sure-jell I will need for what type of filling, it took out the guess work.

I also really enjoyed learning the different ways that you could decorate your pie to make it look professional, or in my case to make the pies "look like I know what I am doing." From braiding the edge of the pie, or crimping the crust for the caramel apple pie. Adding cut outs to add a beautiful border, or topping the pie with different size shapes to make a top crust, and my favorite that I really hope to make soon: a lattice top, which will makes your pie stand out and almost to pretty to eat. I really enjoyed the artistry behind the process of the crust to your pie.

Melanie does a great job with the filling too, I made the caramel apple pie and it was truly delectable! The best apple pie I have had, let alone made. For a quick tip, I like to peel, core and cut my apples and then freeze the apples in a bag until I am ready to make an apple pie, it's easier that way, you can also do this with peaches, which is my preferred way of making pies. I don't like the idea of buying produce when it's not in season. So I get apples and peaches late august when they are in season for less than $1.00/lb, cut peal, core bag'em and freez'em then it's easy, the hard part come pie season is making the crust, which with this class is totally worth it!

I also had made the raspberry white Chocolate cream pie, with Cornmeal coconut oil crust, which was delicious!

If you are looking for a good seasonal class to help you in the Kitchen try this class, you will be so glad you did Here is the link to get started!

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