
Do It Myself PBS Kids cookbook

I love cookbooks, seriously I have a whole book shelf of cookbooks, someone should really stop me, and what's worse is I always have at lest two or three cookbooks cheeked out from the library....  So I couldn't resist this cookbook, remember that if your my child, every year for your birthday I give a cookbook... this is one of them that should make your list!

PBS Kids has a cookbook for kids,  that your elementary school child/children could easily with parent supervision cook themselves a complete meal with out your help (my kind of cookbook right?)  They say nothing sharp, and nothing hot, and they deliver on that promise.  Most of the recipes are snacks, or sandwiches, which works, and then the deserts are often dump pour and
mix sort of deserts. I like this cookbook a lot for the measuring spoons.
they take up less room than my set of measuring cups. The cookbook is illustrated very clearly, and my 7 year old daughter can read the recipes well, and understand the directions.

We made the Shrimp Tacos, they were good, I had my daughter tear the shrimp in half, they were little to start with, and she had fun cutting up the avocado, measuring and mixing.

We also made the Parfaits, that was an activity that my daughter did all by herself with the "help" from her younger brother, it was very heartwarming to hear and watch them in the kitchen.

We then for a lighter supper made the deli meat and pepper roll ups, I substituted the roasted peppers for green bell peppers, it was a hit. My 4 year old son really loved spreading mayo onto the tortilla.

After each recipe was completed my kids were feeling pretty good about themselves, and who can blame them, after all it's teaching them self reliance, and a whole host of good skills (math, reading, science, all in one activity.)

There are lots of variations you can easily do with the recipes provided, This is a spring board, add more or less ingredients, and steps, the sky's the limit to what you can create with this cookbook gem! I looked at this cookbook as a great addition to our cookbook collection! I want to give a big shout out to Downtown Bookworks for this amazing cookbook!
Here are some sample recipes!!! Try them out with your kids, They will love it!

Do you have a favorite recipe that your kids can make? I would love to hear about it!!!

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