
Stay at home mom needed!

Wanted: a Mother as she is, that is willing to learn and grow and make lots of mistakes as she grows and nurtures a family.  She will need humor for those hard days when she has to clean up vomit from a sick child at 3 am, Teaching abilities is a must, after all; we are trying to raise a family with well educated and well-rounded children. Her attention to her family’s details must be spot on, and her willingness to serve her children on a daily basis is an utmost importance to the family and the well-being of her children. Love and respect is a trait that must be apparent in the house most of the time, even in the hardest part of the day (supper time.)

Paid with lots of hugs, kisses, I love you’s and giggles.

This might not sound much like a trade off, but what I will say is: that realistically if you love the idea of being your own boss, and a good manager of people this job is for you. If you don’t feel like a good manager of little kids, be open minded and read a lot. I had no idea what toddlers were like until I read the Happiest Toddler on the block, and this book has helped me so much with all three of my children. Reading, and learning from the best is key. If you don’t like to read find a friend that you look up to and listen to her and watch what she does, or subscribe to a podcast that sits well with you.

The pay off’s of a SAHM isn’t an instant gratification thing, it’ takes a lot of time… Most of the time our payoffs are in the everyday moments like someone says something like, your kids are always so good, or it looks like you have lots of fun at your house, (we do, we also make a lot of messes too.) You get the idea.

For me the Payoff is totally when I tuck them into their beds at night and think, OMG finally we made it through another day. I can rest, and do some art. The real payoff I think is that this is the only job in the world that we are natural at.  I am not a compassionate person by nature, but I make up for that in creative ways. We all bring something to the table for our family’s growth, even if you don’t see it yet, You will.

The trade off is that we are providing our children with love and respect at a very young age. Our society has so much anger in the world. Here is a way to combat that anger to change the world with one small kiss or hug at a time. Your children will have that nurturing quality with them because you are nurturing them. They are your focus, not a job. (even if you work from home you are “home” for them.)  

Staying at home with your children and running a house is a hard thing.  It may seem like you are barely keeping it together, and that’s ok, it’s a learning curve most of us are barely keeping it together, those that say that they have everything figured out are the ones that have no idea what it’s really all about. I was totally there about 4 years ago, and then God gave me a curve ball that I didn’t see coming. My mother’s death made me realize that I needed to knock my motherhood and SAHM thing out of the park… but first I had to be injured with a broken heart to realized that.


  1. This is so sweet! I wish there were more sahm's.

    1. Thank you, this was such a fun blog post to write and I am so glad I am able to stay at home with my kiddo's
