
Luminous Watercolor With Kateri Ewing From Craftsy

If you are looking to understand how color works with watercolor, this is the class.

 If you are new to watercolor, and need a way to understand how to mix color, this class is for you! 

I thought I knew a thing or two about mixing, yes I know that if you want a secondary color you add the primary colors, and mix until you get it right? Not so... and she explains why, and even with in the first couple lessons you can feel confident in your color choices to match just about any color you see. This class is seriously one of the best classes I have bought, and really enjoyed the content.

I love color, I am more of a natural artist, I like painting organic natural things, but not in a realistic fashion, that's where color comes in and is so important to me. So I needed some help with my color mixing. Kateri was the key to my understanding

Kateri mentions that her pallet is like an old pair of jeans that you feel very comfortable in, I finally feel that way about my Watercolor pallet. I have a 16 well pallet, and 8 wells are primary colors, (2 reds 2 magenta's, 3 yellow's 2 blues, a Dioxide Purple, paynes grey, and a sienna for those natural colors that I love. (although she say's you only need a warm and cool color for each primary, I find it easier at times to use the other colors, especially when I am in the moment and I don't want to mix a color up.

This class has helped me save money on watercolor's, I thought that I would need every shade, every color under the sun to help me become a better painter, and that isn't true, what helps you become a better water-colorist is using minimal color's, and let the pure pigment mix with other's pure pigment. Keeping it Simple is key when you use watercolor, so you don't get mud.

Kateri explains color harmony well, since I have taken this class, I have had other artist's tell me that my color harmony is amazing! I just smile, if only they knew how simple it can be!

This class is very technique based, so if you'r looking for a tutorial on how to paint a flower like in Kristy Rice class, or a landscape in Angela Fehr class, you will be disappointed. This class is all about color, she does share her way of painting a pear, and a leaf, which I enjoyed painting, but the bulk of this class is about how to utilize color in watercolor to it's best potential.

I have used her insights and knowledge  with every piece I have painted since then. I think that this class is a gem for all water-colorist's that want to take their art to the next level, Mine sure did!

For fun, (an artist's date) I did a leaf sketched, and then painted in the leaves, here is an example of only using 3 colors, a warm yellow, red, and blue. I was pleased with how my leaves turned out! Keeping it super simple!

Cheek out Kateri's Class, she also has classes on Drawing that seems like a great tool to have as a water-colorist!

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