
A bit about Me

I feel that this blog is a big work in progress, I love that this can be an outlet for me to help others save money I am never consistent enough to do much to build readers, because I really really love to craft when I am not saving money and tending to my family which is the most important part of my life. So let me explain: I save money so I can craft, I save money so I can go spend money on Paper and other crafty stuff. Yep I am that person, now don't get me wrong I really love saving money at the craft (just so I can feed my crafty addiction even more.) I think you get the picture. So I figure its high time to introduce my self a bit more: so here are some things about me that You might want to know:

I love my family, my daughter (4yr) and son (18 m) and my awesome Husband. We have been married for 10 yrs, helped him through his PharmD at Iowa before having two kidlets and Barbie (dog.)

I live in North East rural Iowa, and wonder every morning why we don't have a bow or gun to shoot those darn deer, rabits, and ground hogs.

I love my dog, my silhouette  my van, kitchen and friends. not sure what I would do with out all of them.

Oh yes and I am a Mormon, and I love it! (don't be surprised that I post some Christian theme posts.) I have served in Primary and currently serving in Relief society.

I am hoping to show you just how you can save some money and live the way you want to with out spending to much money.

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