
Pintrest Yummo

Do you Pintrest? Yep, I thought so, I am also on the addictive Pintrest, and I must ask my self, how on earth did I ever get along with out it? Seriously, it's my new obsession! Here is my first real gotta try it out recipe that I found, it's super easy with three steps:

Preheat oven to 350; smoosh 1.5 squares of break-apart refrigerated cookie dough into the bottom of each well. Place Reese cup upside down on top of cookie dough (or an Oreo!). Top with prepared box brownie mix, filling 3/4 full. Bake for 18 minutes! HEAVEN.

Want to follow us, just search on pintrest couponsahmiam or lisa christensen, I am always wanting to try new recipes and new things with my kiddos!

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