
30 Creative Tips for Filling Easter Eggs & Baskets!

Looking for creative ideas for stuffing those Easter Eggs and Easter Baskets??

Check out these tips from your frugal friends shared on The Frugal Girls Facebook Page…

Carla said: “My son LOVES Lego’s, so the Easter Bunny is going to get a nice Lego kit and divide all the pieces up amongst the eggs. Throw in some loose change and a small piece of candy here or there. Then the Lego instructions will be in his Easter basket! I am excited for him to figure it out.”

Shanna said: “I grabbed some of those punch balloons from the dollar bin at Target! I loved them as a kid, so simple but so entertaining! lol Of course, with 2 boys (3 if you count the hubby) they might be a little more “deadly” then they were when I was a kid!” ;)

Angie said: “Get a puzzle, then put a piece in each egg. Then kids can all help to put puzzle together!!”

Kristine said: “Fun bandaids! My son also collects smashed pennies, so every time I see a machine, I get one when he’s not looking. I put them in his Easter Eggs. The Easter Bunny also always brings a new toothbrush and toothpaste to counteract the candy!”

Happi said: “Flashlights! Every year we do a flashlight Easter egg hunt at night”

JoDee said: “My children are older but still love the hunt so we divide the eggs and put money into them. The kids love getting quarters and such even at age 21.”

Jules said: “Hair ties, mini erasers in cute shapes, bouncy balls, mini nail polishes, cute socks, mini yo yo, mini slinky, lip glosses and cutsey chapstick, rolled up slap bracelets, stickers, stamps, earrings, bracelets, necklaces, coupons for bowling, movies, fun park, and ice cream cones….”

Pamela said: “The “Grow Capsules” that look like little beans you can put in water and grow a sponge animal.”

Summer said: “For my playgroup I went to Dollar Tree and got the large plastic eggs and filled them with bubbles. They sell them in the wedding sections and the fit in the plastic eggs. I decorated the bubbles with Easter themed stickers before I put them in the eggs.”

Jessica said: “Money, little toys, chuck E. Cheese tokens, Coupons for certain things like movie with mom, dinner with dad, or a chore free/school work free day (we homeschool).”

Nichole said: “My kids get WAY TOO MUCH candy at Easter… we fill their eggs with healthy treats……Banana chips, yogurt covered raisins, mini boxes of raisins, goldfish crackers, fruit snacks, etc….I guess I am THAT Mom……but my kids are still young enough that they don’t “know” to complain yet – hahaha!”

Dawn said: “Coupons for fun things…mommy alone time, pick the movie, extra game time, etc.”

Carrie said: “Stickers, little trinkets from Michaels, and more stickers!”

Lauren said: “I’m making some glitter play dough and putting them in the eggs and some arts and craft stuff.”

Teressa said: “Scripture & clues for scavenger hunt to gift card/money.”

Heather said: “Fun stuff for outdoors: Kites, flower seeds & lil garden gloves and a butterfly net for my daughter, and bug identification set for my son.”

Katherine said: “At the school I help out at, they have an Easter egg hunt every year. This year and last year, we used things like stickers, coloring sheets folded really small, and cutesy little erasers (Easter themed, of course!)”

Elena said: “I picked up Paul Frank notebooks,pencils, tattoos and magnets at the $ section at Target. These are great for my 10 year old niece.”

Angel said: “Rain boots and books! We also do a trail of bunny poop to the basket!” ;)

Michelle said: “Fruit snacks, pennies, maybe a homemade coupon that the children can cash in for a Redbox movie, or a trip to Carvel! Happy Easter to all!”

Dawn said: “Dollars/coins, silly putty, stickers, little play rings/necklaces for girls, matchbox cars for boys, any of the little party favor type toys would work, too.”

Flavia said: “Temporary tattoos & colored hair clips!”

Erin said: “Cheddar Bunnies, mulit-colored Goldfish, Teddy Grahams, and Fruit Snacks”

Paula said: “Stickers, change, marbles, Legos, hair bows and clips in small eggs…markers, crayons, pencils, coloring books, colored paper, stamps and stamp pads, books in large eggs.”

Lesa said: “My kids are 3 and 5. They usually get new sunglasses for the spring/summer. New summery toys like bubbles, beach bucket, etc., and a new book each.”

Jeanette said: “For my Easter egg hunts, I put pieces of paper in them telling the kids what prizes they win. I do a hunt for 10-50 kids, and give out baskets, kites, money, candy, toys, puzzles, rings, bandaids, tattoos, and more. I get things year round to fill my 500 plus eggs, with everything written on pieces of paper.”

Michelle said: “Our youngest has lots of food allergies, dairy being the biggest, so we filled our with fake plastic bugs ( the kids are 3, 5, and 6) and bubbles. Each year we also have “golden eggs” with coins.”

Deanna said: “Our eggs are filled with candy, money, sugarless gum, lip gloss, erasers, tic-tacs, and this year will be a vinylmation from Disney, oh and Disney pins.”

Sarah said: “A new bible in the Easter baskets, and I also like to include books and healthier options then candy. A creative solution we use in our family for egg wars amongst kids (especially since we have a wide range of ages) we “color code” eggs ie: all blue eggs for one child pink for another, etc. It really evens the playing field for the lil ones and helps there be less fights about one kid getting tons of eggs & another not too many.”

Bethany said: “Our parents always gave us a kite with our Easter baskets. it’s the time of year for kite flying, and if the weather was right… we’d go out that afternoon to the park and fly them!”

What types of things will YOU be filling the Easter Baskets and Egg Hunt eggs with this year?

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