
questions: how do you start your stock pile?

my small starting out stockpile
What's up with stockpiling?

When you coupon stock piling is part of saving. It's a good idea for every one to have a stock pile (food storage) in their home, but you can't coupon without getting a good stock pile.

So how do you make it work for you? So let's say you are ready to save about 30%-40% on your grocery bill. you will set aside about 10%-30% of your budget to "rock bottom prices" these are the items that are on sale with a coupon, you buy as much as you can with the coupons you have. For example if peanut butter is on sale for a $1/jar. and I have a .50/2 (.50 off of 2 jars)  off coupon for that brand of peanut butter. I can get peanut butter for .75 a jar So I stock pile, If I have 6 coupons that means that I now can get 12 jars of pb at a rock bottom price, I then will not have to buy pb for 6 months. It then snow balls, until you get up your stock pile and then, you only have to spend money on your dairy, produce, and things that don't last long and with your Grocery bill and/or budget you can then spend more money on stock piling so then you are able to save 80% on your grocery bill. Although it does take time to stock pile, for myself it took about 6 months to see getting my grocery list to save 60%-80% from my starting point to buying what's on sale with a coupon items. The key is to know how much you are willing to spend on that item.

Other tips for Stock Piling
So maybe you don't have room for a stock pile, what can you do to save money?
Start small, make a list of 5 of your go to meals that you make. list the ingredients you need for that meal, collect the coupons and then wait till that item goes on sale. Then buy what you can with your coupons you have, that is your stock pile, now you have some of the ingredients that you need at a rock bottom price just waiting for you to use them up. For a simple example I will take my most recent trip to the Wags (Wallgreens) I knew that Dove Chocolate candy bars will be .12 a piece with my coupon on sale. I can use the chocolate for chocolate cookies that our family loves. So I buy what I can and store them, I will not have to buy chocolate chips for a couple months because I got a great deal on chocolate. That money I was going to spend on my chocolate chips can then go towards my next item on my list to stock pile.  Sometimes it takes some creativity to say hay I can  use that in something different than just eating a bar of chocolate. That's how you save money.

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