
Baby steps; Step 2 Finding your coupons

Now that you can grocery shop with a list it's time to FIND THOSE COUPONS!

There are two great sources, you must use them both if you plan on saving big.
Sunday coupon's and online coupons

There are the Sunday paper inserts called, Smart Source (SS), Red Plum (RP) or Proctor & Gamble (PG). We recommended that you get at least 3 copies of these inserts every week if you want to see big savings. You get 3-6 coupon inserts a week so you can stock pile when the item goes on sale, that way you have a 3-6 month supply of that item. So when the item is on sale again you can get it with a coupon and not rush out to get it when you have to pay full price for it. Who wants to do that?

Ways to get coupon inserts would be to ask family and friends to save the inserts for you, Ask local businesses to give the inserts to you, or Jenny's favorite way: Dumpster dive for them.. (more on that later.)
If you want a bunch of one coupon you can go to a coupon clipping site or ebay and order some coupons online. A good rule to follow is if your paper subscription is less than $2 per paper it's worth that in coupons.
The other way to find coupons is to print them online.  go to and other blogs to print coupons.

If you are not sure you need all those coupons, I am here to say YES you absolutely need all 3-6 inserts to save, it will pay for its self in the first Shopping trip of that month alone. If you are not sure about spending that much money per month use the online coupons you print to see if you do like using coupons. The downside to only using online coupons is you can only get 2 prints per coupon, were if you had 6 coupons you can triple your deal.

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